07 December 2024

Pride for '25

Instead of resolutions, my friend Althea and I come up with a theme for the incoming year. It was her who introduced the concept to me around a decade ago. For 2025, I've decided on Pride.

I'm not coming out as gay or anything in the gender spectrum. But I believe my word choice is borne of the same 'coming out' spirit.

I want to take pride in my work. I know I do good but I keep it to myself. One reason is fear that others won't appreciate or at the very least understand my ideas. Either I'm a snob, insecure, or an insecure snob.

Pride is also the collective noun for lions. Leo-like characters are always welcome in my world, though I would like to focus on the aspect of community. I feel the fullest when I am with a group of writer-peers and educators. These are people whom I look up to as they look after me. We are equals even if I think they are better.

The past couple of years, I'm learning to admit that I cannot do everything alone. More importantly, that I do not want to be alone. Seems like the new year entails me reaching out, asking for help, seeking company, swallowing my pride.

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